Wednesday, December 15, 2010

100 Graet personalities

Rank Name Religious Affiliation Influence
1 Muhammad Islam Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia; Hart recognized that ranking Muhammad first might be controversial, but felt that, from a secular historian's perspective, this was the correct choice because Muhammad is the only man to have been both a founder of a major world religion and a major military/political leader. More

2 Isaac Newton Anglican (rejected Trinitarianism, i.e.,
Athanasianism; believed in the Arianism
of the Primitive Church)
physicist; theory of universal gravitation; laws of motion

3 Jesus Christ *
Judaism; Christianity founder of Christianity

4 Buddha Hinduism; Buddhism founder of Buddhism
5 Confucius Confucianism founder of Confucianism

6 St. Paul Judaism; Christianity proselytizer of Christianity
7 Ts'ai Lun Chinese traditional religion inventor of paper
8 Johann Gutenberg Catholic developed movable type; printed Bibles
9 Christopher Columbus Catholic explorer; led Europe to Americas
10 Albert Einstein Jewish
physicist; relativity; Einsteinian physics

11 Louis Pasteur Catholic scientist; pasteurization
12 Galileo Galilei Catholic
astronomer; accurately described heliocentric solar system
13 Aristotle Platonism / Greek philosophy
influential Greek philosopher
14 Euclid Platonism / Greek philosophy mathematician; Euclidian geometry

15 Moses Judaism major prophet of Judaism
16 Charles Darwin Anglican (nominal); Unitarian
biologist; described Darwinian evolution, which had theological impact on many religions
17 Shih Huang Ti Chinese traditional religion Chinese emperor

18 Augustus Caesar Roman state paganism ruler
19 Nicolaus Copernicus Catholic (priest)
astronomer; taught heliocentricity
20 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Catholic
father of modern chemistry; philosopher; economist

21 Constantine the Great Roman state paganism; Christianity Roman emperor who completely legalized Christianity, leading to its status as state religion. Convened the First Council of Nicaea that produced the Nicene Creed, which rejected Arianism (one of two major strains of Christian thought) and established Athanasianism (Trinitarianism, the other strain) as "official doctrine."
22 James Watt Presbyterian (lapsed)
developed steam engine
23 Michael Faraday Sandemanian
physicist; chemist; discovery of magneto-electricity
24 James Clerk Maxwell Presbyterian; Anglican; Baptist
physicist; electromagnetic spectrum
25 Martin Luther Catholic; Lutheran founder of Protestantism and Lutheranism

26 George Washington Episcopalian
first president of United States
27 Karl Marx Jewish; Lutheran;
Atheist; Marxism/Communism
founder of Marxism, Marxist Communism
28 Orville and Wilbur Wright United Brethren
inventors of airplane

29 Genghis Khan Mongolian shamanism Mongol conqueror
30 Adam Smith Liberal Protestant economist; philosopher; expositor of capitalism; author: The Theory of Moral Sentiments

31 Edward de Vere
a.k.a. William Shakespeare Catholic; Anglican
literature; also wrote 6 volumes about philosophy and religion
32 John Dalton Quaker
chemist; physicist; atomic theory; law of partial pressures (Dalton's law)
33 Alexander the Great Greek state paganism conqueror
34 Napoleon Bonaparte Catholic (nominal)
French conqueror

35 Thomas Edison Congregationalist; agnostic
inventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc.
36 Antony van Leeuwenhoek Dutch Reformed
microscopes; studied microscopic life
37 William T.G. Morton ?? pioneer in anesthesiology
38 Guglielmo Marconi Catholic and Anglican
inventor of radio

39 Adolf Hitler Nazism; born/raised in, but rejected Catholicism
conqueror; led Axis Powers in WWII
40 Plato Platonism / Greek philosophy
founder of Platonism
41 Oliver Cromwell Puritan (Protestant) British political and military leader
42 Alexander Graham Bell Unitarian/Universalist inventor of telephone *

43 Alexander Fleming Catholic penicillin; advances in bacteriology, immunology and chemotherapy
44 John Locke raised Puritan (Anglican);
Liberal Christian
philosopher and liberal theologian
45 Ludwig van Beethoven Catholic

46 Werner Heisenberg Lutheran
a founder of quantum mechanics; discovered principle of uncertainty; head of Nazi Germany's nuclear program
47 Louis Daguerre ?? an inventor/pioneer of photography
48 Simon Bolivar Catholic (nominal); Atheist
National hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia

49 Rene Descartes Catholic
Rationalist philosopher and mathematician
50 Michelangelo Catholic
painter; sculptor; architect
51 Pope Urban II Catholic called for First Crusade
52 'Umar ibn al-Khattab Islam Second Caliph; expanded Muslim empire
53 Asoka Buddhism king of India who converted to and spread Buddhism
54 St. Augustine Greek state paganism; Manicheanism; Catholic
Early Christian theologian

55 William Harvey Anglican (nominal)
described the circulation of blood; wrote Essays on the Generation of Animals, the basis for modern embryology
56 Ernest Rutherford ?? physicist; pioneer of subatomic physics

57 John Calvin Protestant; Calvinism Protestant reformer; founder of Calvinism
58 Gregor Mendel Catholic (Augustinian monk)
Mendelian genetics
59 Max Planck Protestant
physicist; thermodynamics
60 Joseph Lister Quaker principal discoverer of antiseptics which greatly reduced surgical mortality
61 Nikolaus August Otto ?? built first four-stroke internal combustion engine

62 Francisco Pizarro Catholic Spanish conqueror in South America; defeated Incas
63 Hernando Cortes Catholic conquered Mexico for Spain; through war and introduction of new diseases he largely destroyed Aztec civilization
64 Thomas Jefferson Episcopalian; Deist
3rd president of United States
65 Queen Isabella I Catholic Spanish ruler
66 Joseph Stalin Russian Orthodox; Atheist; Marxism
revolutionary and ruler of USSR

67 Julius Caesar Roman state paganism Roman emperor
68 William the Conqueror Catholic laid foundation of modern England
69 Sigmund Freud Jewish; atheist; Freudian psychology/psychoanalysis
founded Freudian school of psychology/psychoanalysis (i.e., the "religion of Freudianism")
70 Edward Jenner Anglican
discoverer of the vaccination for smallpox

71 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen ?? discovered X-rays
72 Johann Sebastian Bach Lutheran; Catholic composer
73 Lao Tzu Taoism founder of Taoism
74 Voltaire raised in Jansenism;
later Deist
writer and philosopher; wrote Candide
75 Johannes Kepler Lutheran
astronomer; planetary motions
76 Enrico Fermi Catholic
initiated the atomic age; father of atom bomb
77 Leonhard Euler Calvinist
physicist; mathematician; differential and integral calculus and algebra

78 Jean-Jacques Rousseau born Protestant;
converted as a teen to Catholic;
later Deist French deistic philosopher and author
79 Nicoli Machiavelli Catholic wrote The Prince (influential political treatise)
80 Thomas Malthus Anglican (cleric) economist; wrote Essay on the Principle of Population
81 John F. Kennedy Catholic
U.S. President who led first successful effort by humans to travel to another "planet"
82 Gregory Pincus Jewish
endocrinologist; developed birth-control pill
83 Mani Manicheanism founder of Manicheanism, once a world religion which rivaled Christianity in strength
84 Lenin Russian Orthodox;
Atheist; Marxism/Communism
Russian ruler

85 Sui Wen Ti Chinese traditional religion unified China
86 Vasco da Gama Catholic navigator; discovered route from Europe to India around Cape Hood
87 Cyrus the Great Zoroastrianism founder of Persian empire
88 Peter the Great Russian Orthodox forged Russia into a great European nation
89 Mao Zedong Atheist; Communism; Maoism founder of Maoism, Chinese form of Communism
90 Francis Bacon Anglican
philosopher; delineated inductive scientific method
91 Henry Ford Protestant developed automobile; achievement in manufacturing and assembly
92 Mencius Confucianism philosopher; founder of a school of Confucianism

93 Zoroaster Zoroastrianism founder of Zoroastrianism
94 Queen Elizabeth I Anglican British monarch; restored Church of England to power after Queen Mary
95 Mikhail Gorbachev Russian Orthodox
Russian premier who helped end Communism in USSR
96 Menes Egyptian paganism unified Upper and Lower Egypt
97 Charlemagne Catholic Holy Roman Empire created with his baptism in 800 AD
98 Homer Greek paganism epic poet
99 Justinian I Catholic Roman emperor; reconquered Mediterranean empire; accelerated Catholic-Monophysite schism

100 Mahavira Hinduism; Jainism founder of Jainism
Source of list of names: Hart, Michael H. The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, Revised and Updated for the Nineties. New York: Carol Publishing Group/Citadel Press; first published in 1978, reprinted with minor revisions (reflected above) in 1992.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 by Unknown · 0

Fsc Bio Papers

Biology Group-I
1. Four possible answers are given to eac statement.Tick (P) the correct one.
(i) If we extract blood clotting protein fibrinogin from the blood, it remans:
(a) Tissue fluid (b) Serum
(c) Lymph (d) Plasma
(ii) In every degment of earthworm number of nephredia is:
(a) 4 (b) 2
(c) 9 (d) 5
(iii) Which organism moves with the help of pseudopodium?
(a) Euglena (b) Amoeba
(c) Paramecium (d) Volvox
(iv) The sensory nerve which controls the function of eye is called:
(a) Auditory nerve (b) Optic nerve
(c) Olfactory nerve (d) Spinal nerve
(v) In peach the fruit is derived from the:
(a) Wall of the ovary (b) Endosperm
(c) Mega spore (d) Petals
(vi) Who invented chromosomes in 1876?
(a) Watson (b) Waldeyer
(c) Charles Darwin (d) Greger Johann Mendel
(vii) Variations in phenotype due to use or disuse of body organs are called:
(a) Inherited characters (b) Acquired characters
(c) Degenerated characters (d) Genetic characters
(viii) In nitrogen cycle, gaseous nitrogen is converted into amonia by:
(a) Asimilation (b) Nitrogen fixation
(c) De-nitrification (d) amonification
(ix) Reproduction in runners takes place by:
(a) Budding (b) By stem
(c) By root (d) Spores
(x) Sunlight, temperature, air and water are example of:
(a)Biotic factors (b) A biotic factors
(c) Nutrients (d) Mineral resources
(xi) Symbiosis is a relationship between two organisms in which:
(a) One benefits and other losses
(b) Both get benefit
(c) One benefits but other neither benefits nor lose
(d) Both lose
(xii) Over crowding, humid and dirty conditions also promote the spreading of:
(a) Viruses (b) Bacteria
(c) Mico-bacterium (d) Plasmodium
Biology Group-I
Write short answers of any Eighteen parts of the following:
(i) Define closed circulatory system with example.
(ii) Differentiate between systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
(iii) What is Bowman's filtrate? What mainly it consists of?
(iv) Define phototropism with example.
(v) name types of glands in human body.
(vi) State importance of adrenaline hormone.
(vii) Define double fertilization. In which plants this occures?
(viii) Differentiate between binary fission and multiple fission.
(ix) At what stage neurula changes into tadpole?
(x) State importance of sexual reproduction.
(xi) Differentiate between self fertilization and cross fertilization.
(xii) State the importance of gamete.
(xiii) Give importance of pea plant according to genetics.
(xiv) What is convergent evolution? Give example.
(xv) Define trophic level. At which trophic level are producers placed?
(xvi) Which trophic levels are formed by primary consumers and secondary consumers?
(xvii) How amount of carbon is maintained in the atmosphere?
(xviii) Stae importance of cycleing of materials in nature.
(xix) Define an aerobic respiration and as a result which compounds are produced?
(xx) Differentiate between air pollution and water pollution.
(xxi) Compare free fixers and symbionts.
(xxii) State how knowledge of biology has helped in increasing the yield of crops?
3. (a) Compare haemodialysis with peritonial dialysis.
(b) Illustrate the structure and function of pancreas.
4. (a) What are runners and suckers? What is their importance in vegetative propagation? Explain it with examples.
(b) Give in detail the application of genetic engineering.
5. (a) What is biosphere/ What is meant by balance in nature?
(b) Differentiate between air pollution and siil pollution. Suggest foruu measurements to control pollution.

by Unknown · 0

Make Money on the Internet by Blogging - Writing Articles

Make Money on the Internet by Blogging - Writing Articles

In the part 1, 2 and 3 of this series I talked about how you make a blog, get a domain and edit the page. Now since all of that stuff is done, you can start blogging, I mean writing articles for your blog which is the main work on a blog which will continue till your blog continues. If you haven’t read the previous articles then you should because this is a ‘from the basics’ tutorial to earning money on the Net by blogging.

Writing Articles

As I said before writing articles is the main job of a blogger. People will not visit your blog to check out your design or look at your sidebar, they’re going to visit your blog to read the articles you write. If you pay a little attention to the words in bold in the previous sentence then you might realize the importance of good articles on your blog, or shall I say the content of your blog. Always pay attention to the main aim of your blog and try to talk about that topic mostly but since you can’t talk about the same thing all the time and also to add variety to your blog, try to talk about things which are indirectly related to your blog.

Make sure you write articles frequently, a delay of a maximum 1 day, but no more than that. Mostly, you should try to write articles everyday because the more updated your blog is, the more one person is going to visit your blog thus increasing your blog’s page views. The length of your article can be as much as you think is enough to discuss the topic. as far as I am concerned I usually write between 300-1000 words, depending on how much discussion the topic needs. If you think you have discussed the topic fully in less than 300 words then that is fine, but don’t try to linger it on to make the article lengthy as that will just waste the time of your readers which you do not want to do.

Before publishing an article always make sure that there are no mistakes in the article you write, run a spell check to correct the spellings of words because that creates a good impression of yourself. One of the biggest mistakes which is hard to detect is writing the same word to times, it is something that even I do sometimes. But the best we can do to remove such mistakes is to re-check the article about 3-4 times. After all, the article is going to be read by the any one in the world, and you aim to make sure that only one article should impress them to become a permanent reader of your blog.

A very common problem that most bloggers face is when they run short of content, or stuff to talk about which is related to the blog. That is the reason why I pressurize on talking about a variety of categories on your blog. so that you can search for some related material and write an article about it. I would advise you to make a plan at the beginning of every month, or at least every week and list the articles you would write on those days. This way you would not have to go nuts when you become a block-head and can’t think of anything to write about.

Remember, people do not like to visit blogs which are not updated regularly and such blogs die out soon. So it is best to write at least 15 articles every month. Make sure the language you write on your blog is not unsuitable for kids, as you never know who is reading your blog. Although you should use a little sense of humor to spice up the article and making it more interesting. Follow my instructions and you are bound to write good articles. If you think that this article was good, you can click here to subscribe to the blog by mail to stay updated with more of the articles I write on this series and other useful things I talk about.

by Unknown · 0

Plug In & Profit Fast How I Choose A Topic For Blogging

How I Choose A Topic For Blogging

Many times I have repeated in my blog posts about how important it is to select a good niche (preferably) or mass market topic for your blog. It can in many situation determine whether a blog is going to make money or not.

Choosing the wrong topic for blogging will only waste your time, money and effort and if you’re lucky it might pay off in the end. In case you don’t know, below are the definitions:

A niche market is a focused, targetable portion of a market.

A mass market is an unsegmented market with a mass appeal.

In case you did not understand, here is an example:

If I start a blog about cell phones, then I will be targeting a mass market because it will involve all the categories of cell phones that are present in the market today. It is, as one can tell, very general in it’s audience. I will have apple fan boys, nokia fan boys and many others visiting my blog.

While this may seem as a very lucrative opportunity, of having such a big audience visiting your blog, it is an extremely difficult project to pull off, if not impossible. Your competition span will simply roll out from other technology bloggers like you, to big media blogs run by companies having multi-million dollar budgets.

Alternatively, if I start a blog about nokia 5800 xpressmusic, then I will be targeting a much narrower audience. That is, all the people will only be interested in things concerning the nokia 5800 xpressmusic, it’s features, it’s applications, etc.

So, you get the point. It’s much easier and safer to start off with a niche market. It will not only provide you the ease of sticking to a topic and then blogging about it, but it will also save you from the hassle of competing with the big dogs. Trust me, when I say “hassle of competing with the big dogs”, I really mean it. You keep competing with them and end up nowhere.

It does not always have to mean that you need to blog about something you’re passionate, although it helps a lot. If you feel a niche market is not crowded and is profitable, tap into it. Do some research, develop some interest into the topic, and make a niche blog around it.

Once you have the blog ready, start publishing some informational and unique articles. Remember, providing value is the key to making money on the internet. So whatever you do, make sure you’re providing value to the blog’s visitors.

Personally, I have used many different ways of picking a topic for blogging. Firstly, it is passion. I have a passion for basketball, and so I started a website for basketball fans. This is the most ideal type because:

  1. You love what you do
  2. You don’t need to work as hard for understanding complexities of the topic at hand
  3. You’ll work excessively without losing interest

Another important thing to remember is that, the biggest role-player in the ‘make money online’ process is patience. Being impatient can literally cost you thousands of dollars of potential earnings due to immature decisions made.

Secondly, I look for a hot market. Internet marketers are always promoting new products and when a lot of them are promoting the same product, it means that the product converts well and pays off. That’s a hint I pick up and start promoting that product.

Product life cycle curveThe key here is to jump into the bandwagon in the early stage. This whole scenario can be seen on the diagram on the right called the product life cycle (PLC).

This is a product model used in business studies to find the behavior of products in a specific market. Despite the fact that I love making analogies, this applies well to the internet market quite well.

In this case, you should always keep an eye open to any new product on the buzz. The ideal strategy is to catch it in the introduction phase. Work on it through out the growth phase and keep making money while you’re at it and stop near the maturity. Considering that you work hard and don’t have invincible competitors, you can usually make a lot of money with this strategy. At least, I’ve used it and it works.

I agree that the PLC is bookish, but the actual PLC for every product will differ. Some will have a very prolonged growth phase, some will never reach maturity, while the majority will have a very steep decline phase.

It is important to understand the nature of the products that we promote on the internet. Fads, trends and fashions come and go on the internet like a pop song. Majority of the products you’ll promote would have a very high maturity point, sales will break records and then all of a sudden it will disappear into thin air with a nose dive in the decline phase.

The ability to foresee can prove very helpful. For example, the people companies who predicted the growth in the weigh loss market 10 years ago have made millions of dollars in the market. Now, it is at the stage of maturity which will stay prolonged till the obesity problems of the internet population aren’t solved. I hope you can sense the irony in that statement.

However, entering the market at this point will be more or less of a time waste because you cannot compete with the companies who have a very strong stand in the market and they will be having a capital advantage over you because of the profits they’ve made in the past.

Know that every hobby might not pay off as well as others. There could be some topics which could get you a lot of visitors, but it becomes hard to make money off that traffic. So do some research to look for whether you can make money with the topic or not. Mostly people would throw in unrelated ads at such websites, but it would be better to funnel the traffic to some other related website to make money.

So there you are with two methods of choosing topics for blogging. I use them myself and know that they make money. If you’re a starter, go with the first one. Once you’re a little acquainted with blogging, go hit the second one. Get to work and look for some good topics to blog about and you’ll be making money in no time.

by Unknown · 0

Keeping Up With Studies And Blogging

It’s been a while since I last posted. Well, life has been pretty busy with me for the last few months. I’ve been preparing for my Cambridge examinations and the SAT Reasoning Test; studies aren’t easy in the last year of school. Plus, there are some project you just can’t overlook.

I’ve been replying to mails as soon as I get time, I’m sorry if I can’t get back to all of them. I have also composed a few articles for beginners who want to make money on the internet, since my previous articles are quite out-dated by now.

I’ll be publishing the articles very soon and I’ll also be completing the series on making money online in Pakistan. I know it’s been a while and I didn’t do the follow-ups to it, but you can expect to get some more specific information on how to make money if you’re a Pakistani.

The most important news (and probably the reason behind this post) is: I’ve been interview by Smash Magazine. Smash Magazine is a youth magazine in Pakistan and they have interviewed me for being among the Youngest Pakistani Bloggers. It’s a 2-page interview under the title: Youngest Pakistani Blogger. If you’re a Pakistani, get a hold on the magazine; you’ll get to know me better and gain few tips from me.

As soon as I get time, I will post up scanned pages from the magazine for those of you who just want to check it out. Till then, bless me with your comments.

by Unknown · 0

Learn How to Make Money on the Internet

Learn How to Make Money on the Internet

Welcome to 3arn.Net, I'm Ahmed Khalil Pasha, the 45 year old mastermind behind this website. I've been earning money online since 2008. You definitely came here looking to make money online. Wait no more, below are some articles that should get you started with it:
That's not it! You can check out more in the categories or archives. Enjoy your stay here and consider dropping by the contact page to ask a question or just to say hi. :)
Plug In & Profit Fast
Make Easy Money Online

Everybody wants to make easy money online. Why? More than 50% of the people in the make money online niche don’t even want to aim for making a fortune. While the fact is that more than 90% of the people in this niche will not be able to even make a living making money off the internet.

That’s when the question drops in that do you want to make easy money online? If the answer is yes then there is one warning: By nature all humans are greedy, if you cannot control your greed you will still make money but will never make easy money. This is different than making extra money, as I’ve already talked about how you can earn extra money in my previous articles. However, it’s only different when you look at it from the perspective I want you to, which is the money-maker’s perspective.

I can see the words coming out of your other ear. What I was trying to say was that you can never make money to your maximum capability if you’re resting. When you’re greedy, your greed want let you take work easy and hence you will make more money but it will not be easy.

Keep reading the rest of this entry...

Keeping Up With Studies And Blogging

November 2nd, 2010

It’s been a while since I last posted. Well, life has been pretty busy with me for the last few months. I’ve been preparing for my cambridge examinations and the SAT Reasoning Test; studies aren’t easy in the last year of school. Plus, there are some project you just can’t overlook. ;)

I’ve been replying to mails as soon as I get time, I’m sorry if I can’t get back to all of them. I have also composed a few articles for beginners who want to make money on the internet, since my previous articles are quite out-dated by now.

I’ll be publishing the articles very soon and I’ll also be completing the series on making money online in pakistan. I know it’s been a while and I didn’t do the follow-ups to it, but you can expect to get some more specific information on how to make money if you’re a Pakistani. :D

The most important news (and probably the reason behind this post) is: I’ve been interview by Smash Magazine. Smash Magazine is a youth magazine in Pakistan and they have interviewed me for being among the Youngest Pakistani Bloggers. It’s a 2-page interview under the title: Youngest Pakistani Blogger. If you’re a Pakistani, get a hold on the magazine; you’ll get to know me better and gain few tips from me. :D

As soon as I get time, I will post up scanned pages from the magazine for those of you who just want to check it out. Till then, bless me with your comments.

How I Choose A Topic For Blogging

Many times I have repeated in my blog posts about how important it is to select a good niche (preferably) or mass market topic for your blog. It can in many situation determine whether a blog is going to make money or not.

Choosing the wrong topic for blogging will only waste your time, money and effort and if you’re lucky it might pay off in the end. In case you don’t know, below are the definitions:

A niche market is a focused, targetable portion of a market.

A mass market is an unsegmented market with a mass appeal.

In case you did not understand, here is an example:

If I start a blog about cell phones, then I will be targeting a mass market because it will involve all the categories of cell phones that are present in the market today. It is, as one can tell, very general in it’s audience. I will have apple fan boys, nokia fan boys and many others visiting my blog.

While this may seem as a very lucrative opportunity, of having such a big audience visiting your blog, it is an extremely difficult project to pull off, if not impossible. Your competition span will simply roll out from other technology bloggers like you, to big media blogs run by companies having multi-million dollar budgets.

Alternatively, if I start a blog about nokia 5800 xpressmusic, then I will be targeting a much narrower audience. That is, all the people will only be interested in things concerning the nokia 5800 xpressmusic, it’s features, it’s applications, etc.

So, you get the point. It’s much easier and safer to start off with a niche market. It will not only provide you the ease of sticking to a topic and then blogging about it, but it will also save you from the hassle of competing with the big dogs. Trust me, when I say “hassle of competing with the big dogs”, I really mean it. You keep competing with them and end up nowhere.

It does not always have to mean that you need to blog about something you’re passionate, although it helps a lot. If you feel a niche market is not crowded and is profitable, tap into it. Do some research, develop some interest into the topic, and make a niche blog around it.

Once you have the blog ready, start publishing some informational and unique articles. Remember, providing value is the key to making money on the internet. So whatever you do, make sure you’re providing value to the blog’s visitors.

Personally, I have used many different ways of picking a topic for blogging. Firstly, it is passion. I have a passion for basketball, and so I started a website for basketball fans. This is the most ideal type because:

  1. You love what you do
  2. You don’t need to work as hard for understanding complexities of the topic at hand
  3. You’ll work excessively without losing interest

Another important thing to remember is that, the biggest role-player in the ‘make money online’ process is patience. Being impatient can literally cost you thousands of dollars of potential earnings due to immature decisions made.

Secondly, I look for a hot market. Internet marketers are always promoting new products and when a lot of them are promoting the same product, it means that the product converts well and pays off. That’s a hint I pick up and start promoting that product.

Product life cycle curveThe key here is to jump into the bandwagon in the early stage. This whole scenario can be seen on the diagram on the right called the product life cycle (PLC).

This is a product model used in business studies to find the behavior of products in a specific market. Despite the fact that I love making analogies, this applies well to the internet market quite well.

In this case, you should always keep an eye open to any new product on the buzz. The ideal strategy is to catch it in the introduction phase. Work on it through out the growth phase and keep making money while you’re at it and stop near the maturity. Considering that you work hard and don’t have invincible competitors, you can usually make a lot of money with this strategy. At least, I’ve used it and it works. :D

I agree that the PLC is bookish, but the actual PLC for every product will differ. Some will have a very prolonged growth phase, some will never reach maturity, while the majority will have a very steep decline phase.

It is important to understand the nature of the products that we promote on the internet. Fads, trends and fashions come and go on the internet like a pop song. Majority of the products you’ll promote would have a very high maturity point, sales will break records and then all of a sudden it will disappear into thin air with a nose dive in the decline phase.

The ability to foresee can prove very helpful. For example, the people companies who predicted the growth in the weigh loss market 10 years ago have made millions of dollars in the market. Now, it is at the stage of maturity which will stay prolonged till the obesity problems of the internet population aren’t solved. I hope you can sense the irony in that statement. :lol:

However, entering the market at this point will be more or less of a time waste because you cannot compete with the companies who have a very strong stand in the market and they will be having a capital advantage over you because of the profits they’ve made in the past.

Know that every hobby might not pay off as well as others. There could be some topics which could get you a lot of visitors, but it becomes hard to make money off that traffic. So do some research to look for whether you can make money with the topic or not. Mostly people would throw in unrelated ads at such websites, but it would be better to funnel the traffic to some other related website to make money.

So there you are with two methods of choosing topics for blogging. I use them myself and know that they make money. If you’re a starter, go with the first one. Once you’re a little acquainted with blogging, go hit the second one. Get to work and look for some good topics to blog about and you’ll be making money in no time.

Was the facebook boycott any good?

June 11th, 2010

I’m back people and as I mentioned before, I would post on whether the facebook boycott went successful or at least according to what was planned. The main aim behind the boycott was the removal of those offensive pages, which went successful. :D

Other than that, the boycott was to come from a whole community rather than separated individuals. I’m not sure whether facebook was banned in other muslim countries or not but a big chunk of the muslim community took the initiative of not using facebook that day.

The biggest part of those who boycotted were pakistani muslims. The problem is that there isn’t really a way to check what happened to facebook in those 10 days (from 20th May to 30th May). Any inferences made from analytics programs like Alexa would be inaccurate.

However, considering that alexa is yet the only better check which can give us something on the least. As compared to compete or other open analytics programs. So, considering whatever proportion of muslims that use Alexa, below is the analysis.

Alexa has a small user base as compared to the general internet population which would make the results extremely biased to the activities of that little ‘population’ of alexa toolbar users. When measuring things on a large scale, we do take random samples however this isn’t random either.

Most alexa users are avid internet users, people who are web 2.0 enthusiasts or webmasters and bloggers. If assumed that this is true, then we can directly deduce that there are much (much) more webmasters and technology enthusiasts in the world west (or east) of developing countries like Pakistan and other muslim countries.

Below is the demographic taken directly from alexa showing the distribution of it’s users over countries:

Pakistani facebook users

Hence, considering the data provided by alexa we cannot make a very justifiable conclusion. However, just for the sake of curiosity, we’ll put the data to use. So here it is:

  • 0.9% of facebook’s users are pakistanis
  • Facebook has over 400 million users *
  • Therefore, there are 3.6 million pakistani facebook users (taking the minimum of total facebook users)
  • 50% of facebook users login everyday (1.8 million users in pakistan’s case) *
  • 1.8 million logins a day multiplied by 10 days, 18 million logins (the boycott lasted 10 days)
  • Average pageviews per person on facebook are 13.46 (13.46 x 18 million = 242.28 million) **
  • Assumed eCPM $1 (no data available on this)
  • Therefore, $1 x 242,280,000 x 0.001 = $242,280

* = Source: Facebook statistics

** = Source: Alexa’s page about facebook

eCPM = Cost per a thousand impressions

So, according to the assumptions made and the available data, my approximate of the loss is near 0.24 million dollars for 10 days. Now, we’ll see whether this actually had a difference making impact on facebook overall.

Facebook’s revenue in 2008 was around $300 million, the most recent official data we have available would be of 2009. Facebook made around $550 million in 2009. So, we’ll take this figure into further calculation of the data. In this case:

  • $550,000,000 in 365 days
  • Average revenue of 10 days = (550000000 x 10 /365 = $15,068,493)
  • Pakistan’s share of the revenue (242280 / 15068493 x 100 = 1.6%)

There you are, Pakistan has approximately 1.6% share of facebook’s revenue overall and resulted in a direct loss of $242,280 during the boycott according to our estimates. Please note, this is not the total loss that facebook beard during the boycott and only the loss resulting from the Pakistani boycott not other Muslim countries.

I’m uncertain as to how many other countries implemented a boycott on facebook nation-wide and how many Muslims voluntarily joined the boycott. I’m sure, the overall figure would be more than the double of this because at least a million other Muslims world-wide joined in the boycott and the eCPM in the western countries is much higher thus contributing to a bigger loss.

The following are the main variables which can alter the data if the assumptions made are invalid:

  • eCPM: I assumed that the only revenue facebook has is that it get’s paid per a thousand impressions from it’s advertisers. They are also be operating a pay-per-click system, but we cannot be sure of the data for that, which is why I used the eCPM. Plus, I’ve assumed an eCPM of $1 which seems quite relevant to Pakistan’s case.
  • Number of users: I’m 100% sure that the number of users does not include the facebook mobile users (which represents 25% of facebook’s users). This would of course add to the total amount calculated, however, no data is available on that.

That’s it, if you’re a Pakistani, now you can be a little sure that those days you spent without facebook were of some good. Resulting from the loss (or otherwise) facebook decided to take off the offensive pages.

All is good now, facebook has been open in Pakistan for almost 2 weeks now and I’ve been using it ever since it opened. I just hope that facebook continues to co-operate with all portions of it’s user population and respects the interests of all.

I would love to hear to hear your comments on this, and please bear in mind that these figures are an approximate as well as an estimate. Any constructive criticism is most welcome and please consider to share this with your friends. :)

My Second Blogging Year, Traffic Up 103.17%

May 28th, 2010

I could have just said, my traffic doubled since last year but putting in the figures makes it sound much more cool. I’ll let the figures below do the talking:

Google Analytics Screenshot

I’m far beyond the league I was in last year. My traffic is up 103.17% since then. My last year visits were 73444 and this year they’re 151267, big jump eh? The pageviews are 215,214 which is also quite big since last year.

But as you can see, my traffic has started to soar towards the end of the blogging year. So, I can only imagine what my next year would be with this kind of traffic. :D

Even though my blog traffic is double since last year, but I’m ashamed of myself. My main aim was to write consistently, traffic usually follows. But, I haven’t been so consistent.

Last year (2008-2009) I wrote 112 articles which was almost 1 article every 3 days. However, this year I only wrote 44 articles! That is like 1 article every 8 days! :oops:

I have to be less of a procrastinator and more of a writer I suppose. The fall in the comments is consequential to the lack of posts I suppose. Almost 800 new comments this year, love you guys! I know if I would have posted more you would have commented more. :P

My top 3 traffic referrers were:

  1. StumbleUpon
  2. Google Images (Woah!)
  3. Entrecard

Not really much of a change since last year. But one thing I’m happy about is my direct traffic has doubled, tripled, quadrupled. Nuff emphasis? :lol:

Direct traffic is visiting a website directly by it’s web address (for the noobs). My direct traffic last year was around 5000 visitors whereas it is 30000 visitors this year. This would definitely be the offline marketing that I’ve been doing more since last year. I used to be a little quiet about my website in my offline life, just to not sound geek-ish in front of friends 2 years ago.

Turned out, it actually makes you more cooler than the person next to you. Actually, why wouldn’t you be cooler than the person next to you when you’re ranking number 1 on :D *applauses*

My only aim for my next blogging year is to be a more consistent writer on the blog. I’ve been less personal in the past, but trust me, I’ll be treating this as a very personal blog soon as I get a little free. Moreover, if this traffic trend continues to next year (I wish), somebody’s going to be making some good money.

Now on a side note, I’m half done with my examinations. Thanks to God and all my well-wishers, they’ve been going fine so far. I haven’t been studying as much as I did for my O levels but hopefully I’ll be doing fine on 12th August (my result day).

I’m through 6 papers and left with 4 more. Friday marks the end of my examinations with three papers in a single day. Weird, I know. Wish me luck because it doesn’t only mark the end of my examinations but it also marks the start of my holidays and…

Holidays = Free time

Free time = Time for blogging

Time for blogging = More work

More work equals to, you know where I’m going. *ka ching*

My take on the Face-book Boycott

May 20th, 2010

As you might be knowing that today we, the facebook muslim community have arranged an organized protest / boycott of facebook for not removing pages that we find offensive. This move has been taken on the page ‘Everybody draw Muhammad (S.A.W) on 20th May’.

This page was reported as abuse classified under hate speech on the first sight by almost any practicing Muslim who has respect for Islam, including me. We have been reporting this page since 2 weeks to be removed from facebook.

Despite thousands of reports from Muslims and even some non-Muslims who believed that this was hate speech against Islam, facebook took no action on this matter. That is when we, the facebook Muslim community decided to boycott facebook on 20th May to show our strength and our disapproval of the highly offensive act of facebook by not removing those pages.

I am very grateful to the government of Pakistan and the high court who took this a step forward. Instead of us facebook users reminding each other to not use facebook on 20th May. The lahore high court decided to pass a ban on facebook following this incident till the date of 31st May pending action from facebook regarding all of those pages.

All internet service providers in Pakistan were notified on this and day before yesterday, facebook was completely blocked by all ISPs. This is the email I received from my ISP:

Dear Valued Customer,

Micronet has blocked access to
in compliance with orders of Lahore High Court passed today.
Facebook has been holding a competition to draw caricatures
of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and has not removed the
objectionable hate materials despite thousands of emails
from Pakistani facebook community.

This access would remain block till 31 May 2010 or further
orders by the Lahore High Court.

Best Regards

I hold high gratitude for the high court for taking this step. Muslims have been representing a high proportion of the internet users since it’s very start contributing to almost more than 45% of facebook’s users. We are definitely a majority and we cannot have our interests and beliefs insulted like that.

Muslims have been contributing to the internet in all forms (me and my blog is an example) and we are a main reason why facebook is making a lot of money. Losing all the Muslim users means losing approximately 45% of your revenue (considering the average revenue per facebook user.

Moreover, facebook is a large business corporation. Any rational business would create about even the slightest change in their revenues while 45% is big enough to bring it down from the peak to the bottom.

I will prove this when I write another post about this in a few days where I will show the loss of facebook’s internet users and possibly revenue generation for them. It will definitely teach facebook a big lesson.

Where this started?

This is the first thing that I researched when I took a notice of this highly offensive page and the event.

A cartoonist, molly norris, did not like the censorship given to a scene in an episode of south park which depicted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). She believed that this provided a wrong image to the people of USA.

She decided to give birth to the idea of this day be as a call to freedom of speech and protest against the censorship that was given. This led to the facebook page being created and the whole thing going viral.

It was further ignited from a you-tube video by a user by the name of ‘thunderf00t’. This user posted a video by the name of ‘Islam Fail’. This was deemed as extremely offensive by all of the muslim community on youtube. The responses were obvious to be harsh. Then this user went on to support 20th May as a ‘Everybody draw Muhammad (S.A.W) day’. (Nauzubillah)

This originated the whole thing and has resulted in a complete ban on youtube in Pakistan as well as that video had also been reported as offensive on no subsequent action was taken on that matter.

I have also removed the link to my blog’s fan page on facebook. I wouldn’t want to use facebook again until face-book takes some kind of an action on this matter, because if we use facebook, we want our interests to be protected.

I was much busy with my studies, but this is a post that I just had to put on the blog because I couldn’t really keep this inside. This is a thing that everyone should know, whether they’re a Muslim or a non-Muslim.

If you’re a christian, Jew, Hindu or even an atheist. Think about this with an open mind and think for yourself whether or not this is a massacre on the name of humanity. Better classified as ‘genocide’ by many. If highly offending the believers of a religion and insulting it is classified as ‘freedom of speech’ by the big internet websites, then we refuse to ever use them again.

by Unknown · 0

Textile Institue of Pakistan

Textiles being Pakistan’s largest industrial sector generate the country’s highest export earnings of about 50%, providing the bulk of employment (39%) to a largely under utilized work force. The high levels of unemployment and under-employment are mainly on account of the low skill levels, low literacy and poor managerial efficiencies of the job market.

Recognizing this gap, TIP was founded in 1994 under the aegis of APTMA , to fill the much growing vacuum. The key objective was to provide professional education and training to a new class of young professionals by honing their practical skills in addition to providing the necessary theoretical knowledge.p1.jpg

The institute was purpose built (200,000 sq.ft. covered area) along a state of the art architectural design by a leading architect on 50 acres of land located on the National Highway about 30 minutes drive from the airport.

The architecture features of interior and exterior design are in consonance with the climatic and topographical need to soften the harshness of Karachi’s physical and social environment.

While not ostentatious, the premises are air-conditioned and fitted with pleasant fixtures, wood work and finishing. The exterior is adorned with beautifully sprawling lawns and an artificial lake complete with related fauna in its natural habitat.
Realizing the importance of this segment to Pakistan’s export potential, the Export Promotion Bureau has played a significant role in the development of TIP in the shape of generous financial assistance through the EDF (export development fund).


The campus houses all requisite facilities as per internationally acceptable standards such as an extensive library with individual and group study facilities together with an audio-visual room and CD room.

The computer lab has a dedicated 4Mbps (fibre optic) Internet facility and a CAD/CAM lab complete with designing software. The science laboratories and technical laboratories (specialized textile labs) including spinning, fabric formation, wet processing, testing, and apparel labs have all been equipped and installed for hands on training in a simulated environment.

The apparel lab has its own equipment and computers with related pattern making and stitching software.

Computers have also been installed in the hostels to enable hostelites to avail this facility for homework and other assignments.

The entire faculty, management, staff and students are transported to and from the campus on TIP’s air-conditioned vehicles for purposes of safety and punctuality from all points in and around Karachi.

Since its establishment, TIP has served the needs of industry to a large extent and is gearing up its resources to meet their further requirements. So far, all TIP graduates have been taken up by the domestic textile industry barring those who have gone abroad in pursuit of higher education. The dearth of trained managerial technical manpower is so acute in this sector that TIP has not been able to keep pace with demand for fear of compromising standards as TIP was set up as a trust and is not in the business of making money.

In addition to the limitations on turning out appropriately educated and skilled graduates, TIP is also called upon to design and deliver a host of short courses of 2-8 weeks duration on a variety of practical issues / problems faced on the shop floor by supervisory level employees and other skilled workers. Modern teaching facilities with a unique and rational problem solving approach to learning is imparted.

With an independent charter granted by the Government of Sindh, TIP is authorized to award its own degrees under recognition of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) . Initially, TIP’s course content and syllabi were developed by faculty at the Clemson University, USA with which there was a student exchange program for the award of degrees. Credits obtained at TIP are still transferable. TIP also has a new higher educational link through the British Council , with the University of Manchester. This enables TIP to adopt and upgrade its educational standards according to the changing demands of a changing global industry and market. Two faculty members from England’s universities are the external examiners to test and monitor TIP’s standards of education service delivery, for both the undergraduate and graduate programs.

Further, TIP’s close ties with the local textile industry through APTMA enable all internships to be arranged through APTMA ’s member units where real training in an actual environment is conducted. TIP also hosts a number of seminars and symposium in conjunction with APTMA , the British Council and the Higher Education Commission .

Pakistan’s effort in the industrial sector in the past 50 years had been at best, haphazard and sporadic. Individual mills may or may not have adopted universal standards and operating practices.

Today, with the setting up of a formally structured learning centre at TIP, APTMA has demonstrated its ability to piece together an effort in concert preparatory to the impending global challenges that are anticipated by all of Asia as well as the textile world.

by Unknown · 0

Business Communication

by Unknown · 0

Master Marble Craftsman Degree

Master Marble Craftsman Degree

Posted on | Sunday, November 14, 2010 | No Comments

At seven years old his parents and two younger brothers moved to Canada. From a young age, Demetre showed a love for art and design, contributing to his school yearbooks and sometimes giving paintings and sketches to family and friends as birthday gifts or going away presents. In grade seven, Demetre was honoured with the top student Art Award for his contribution to the school. This love for art and expression combined with the need to help others, led him into the Architectural field. This was first realized at the age of seventeen, when he worked in construction one summer in Greece with his uncle Michalis who was a Master Marble Craftsman. For two months, he travelled and assisted his uncle, going to various construction sites all around Athens from private residences to apartment buildings to commercial properties. This was the first time he realized that this was his calling. He observed how his uncle used his hands and skill to create beautiful and intricate designs with marble. His uncle Michalis joked that in order to become a Designer you first have to learn to mix mud. The rest, they say, is history.

Communications Specialist Course

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Colbert University learning experience in UK

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Skilled Craftsmen in USA

Posted on | Friday, November 12, 2010 | No Comments

A craftsman makes woodcarving during a contest of tourism commodity in Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou Province, Aug. 30, 2006. A total of 252 craftsmen attended the contest in which 100 competitors would be selected and conferred the title of "Skilled Craftsmen in Guizhou".

While these schools may not be some of the top colleges in the nation, or the most popular, they still provide a quality college education. Most of these colleges are located in the less populated states of Utah, South Dakota and Wyoming and can be fairly cheaper for the student. These colleges definitely make it easier for students to get accepted than other colleges with tough admissions, notably those trying to get into an Ivy League School. If you are considering online colleges, be sure to check out these online schools that have a 100% acceptance rate:

Students from low-income families in USA

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When it comes to getting its young people to enroll in college and then do what it takes to graduate, the United States is losing its international edge. Although the nation ranks near the top in the proportion of 35- to 64-year-olds with college degrees, it drops to seventh among countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in the educational attainment of younger adults, ages 25 to 34. And while other OECD nations have made dramatic gains in the proportion of young people going to and finishing college, U.S. college-participation rates have remained relatively flat since the early 1990s. Today, the likelihood that a 9th grader in the United States will enroll in college four years later is less than 40 percent, with students from low-income families and African-American and Hispanic students far less likely to do so than their more affluent, white peers. When they do enroll, low-income students also are more likely to attend public two-year colleges or private institutions that do not grant degrees. The failure to adequately prepare young people for college is part of the problem

Rate of inflation in college Fee

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Critics on tuition Fee in UK

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Critics of tuition hikes say that private higher education has become a luxury that only Goldman Sachs bankers or Google employees with lucrative stock options can afford for their children. And high tuition costs aren’t only a concern of the rich. Public universities that have increased their tuitions over the last year include the University of California, the University of Washington and the University of Florida. Two years ago, Forbes showed that colleges have few incentives to cut costs. In that story, Alex Davidson wrote, "In the end, should students and parents just stop fretting over the high cost of elite universities and instead opt for a lower-priced public college? Probably. It turns out that where students go as undergraduates doesn’t help them earn more money over their lifetimes, according to a 2002 study by Stacy Dale, a researcher at Mathematica Policy Research in Princeton, N.J., and Alan Krueger, a Princeton economics and public affairs professor."

Free education in India

Posted on | Tuesday, November 9, 2010 | No Comments

Free Degree of MBBS in india

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Could you guess which tax is the single largest contributor to the government revenue? It’s the Corporation tax, which contributed Rs 1,00,000 crore in the fiscal 2006-07 to the government revenue. According to the Assocham study, the corporation tax has shared 31 percent of the total tax revenue of the Government. It is going to surpass the Union excise duty (likely to be Rs 94,000 crore) in the current financial year. It is expected to be accounted as 28 per cent of the total tax revenue of the Central Government. During the early 90s, the corporate tax revenues had a share of 12.4 per cent in the total tax revenues. The net excise duty was 32 per cent then. Now, India Inc is roaring high on economic gains and this have trickled down to the exchequer in the form of higher Corporate Tax collections.

Free College Degree in India

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The article (which can be found here, but by subscription only) explains that,”In the two and a half weeks since he was appointed following national elections, Mr. Sibal has established lines of communication with the United States about expanding educational ties between the two countries, and reportedly threatened to toss out India’s alphabet soup of higher-education regulators and replace them with a single body. He has also promised to push a bill through Parliament that would allow foreign universities to set up campuses here. Mr. Sibal’s swift actions have inspired optimism that the country’s stagnant educational system is finally going to get the change it deserves. His pro-foreign and pro-private sentiments have also encouraged American universities that have long wanted to enter India’s potentially lucrative market. While India sends thousands of students overseas to study, only about 9 percent of young Indians actually go to college, in part because capacity at home is low.”

Education City in India

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MBA Scholarships from Indina government

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Oxford degree in India

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A Group of Ministers (GoM) has drafted a legislation to allow foreign educational institutions to open campuses in the country India. After getting the assent from the government, the act will allow Oxford, Harvard and Stanford to set up institutions and offer degrees in India. According to the commerce and industry minister Kamal Nath.However, he also said that the proposed bill would not be tabled in the current session of Parliament. The government is looking serious in this direction as even PM also emphasized the need for a correct policy framework to meet the demand of investments in Indian educational sector. According to a data, more than 1.3 lakh students spend about $4 billion par anum to study abroad. On the other hand, the human resources development ministry has opposed this step. It said that the foreign institutions would be right under the same net of the rules and regulations governing private institutions in India.

International institution of higher education in Odense

Posted on | Saturday, November 6, 2010 | No Comments

Scholarships in European Business College

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European Business College FUMI Intellect is open in 1990, initially in commercial law, and in 1993 is the first accredited professional business college after high school with the orders of the Minister of Education and Science, published in the Journal of State About 15 annual purposeful educational and research have been developed over 90 training courses, have written over 60 textbooks and educational materials in more than 200 publications.
The training is carried out by European standards for post-secondary vocational education, which include:
(1) module training;
(2) training officer;
(3) test systems for testing;
(4) points system for assessing the results;
(5) dominant practical educational content;
(6) strong language training (25% of teaching time);
(7) higher computer literacy (10% of teaching time);
(8) high culture of communication;
(9) entrepreneurial culture;
(10) learn how to learn throughout life;

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What you need to know before you get pregnant
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How To Get Pregnant Finally Revealed
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The Best Medicine is exercise
Women live longer than men, on average
10 Ways to Keep Your Mind Sharp
Old Age More Miserable for Women
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Access Knowledge as a Public Good
The question is the answer
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What is Difference Between Learning and Absorbing
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Where Did the Internet Come From?
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What Is Heart Disease
How the Heart Works
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Showing Love
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Why Are Yawns Contagious?
Why do we yawn?
The Parts of the Brain
How Does the Brain Work?
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The Most Important of the 11 Rules of Grammar
How to Use Quotation Marks to Quote Someone
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Use of the Web
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